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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is website visitor tracking software?

Website visitor tracking is the software that allows you to identify and provide data on your anonymous visitors on your website.


Is Pearl Diver a good fit for me?

Pearl Diver is for businesses serving Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Customer (B2C) markets. Pearl Diver is most effective for businesses with a US customer base. While identifying email interactions is not country-specific, identifying website visitors is available for US locations only.

If you have any of these characteristics Pearl Diver could be a good fit - even one can provide a strong ROI:

a. You have invested in generating website traffic
b. Email is a key customer communication tool for your business
c. You have high website traffic
d. You have a high price product or service
e. You use email marketing to acquire and nurture leads
f. You actively follow up leads and deals


How do website visitor tracking tools work?

A unique tracking pixel is installed to collect data directly from your website to start tracking website visitors. Then, Pearl Diver accesses an identity graph across an ecosystem of strategic partners that uses customer personal identifiers to enrich a customer profile with up to 70 data points per visit.


What are the benefits of using anonymous visitor identification software?

There are many benefits of using anonymous visitor identification software like Pearl Diver for businesses. It enables you to identify and track anonymous visitors to your website, by providing you with useful insights into your prospective leads with buying intent. With this information at your fingertips, you’ll be able to adjust your marketing and sales efforts to better meet your visitors’ needs, and convert them into leads and customers. You can use this data to optimize your website and sales funnel for ultimate effectiveness and business growth.


How many visitors will be identified in my Pearl Diver platform?

On average, Pearl Diver identifies 25% of individuals visiting your website.

Recent statistics reveal a stark reality: between 50-75% of site visits are bots. However, not all bots are created equal. Some of these bots are used for good, for instance, search engines indexing your site so people can find it. In contrast, some bots are bad and search for weaknesses in your security. Good or bad, these are not real people - so we don’t show them. We only provide you with real visitors that we have matched to a specific email address.

A quick breakdown of what is not included: bot traffic, non-USA visits, Incognito, VPN browsing, and any visits that we're unable to match to a person’s email address.


Is there a limit to how many visits are identified?

Our pricing tier is defined by how many identified visits you can receive. If you go over your pricing tier benchmark for lead data, we will notify you to discuss pricing changes as needed.


How much does it cost?

Pearl Diver pricing starts from $387 USD per month and includes a visitor tracking dashboard, hotlist, email tracking, and branding.

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